Abigails Fleur De Lis White Dinner Plate Review
| Are you looking for Abigails Fleur De Lis White Dinner Plate or try to find products for right? This is an easy way to purchase products with features and specifications. And you can judge for affordable and easy to order. Abigails Fleur De Lis White Dinner Plate also have many other products and shipping convenient, so you can get the satisfaction and benefit of the products that are well worth! |
Abigails Fleur De Lis White Dinner Plate Description
Abigails Fleur De Lis White Dinner Plate that since medieval times, kings of France have chosen the fleur de lis as their symbol, representing simplicity and purity. Made of gres, a dark brown clay highly fired to a rich lustrous finish. Oven, dishwasher and microwave safe. Handmade in Italy.
Abigails Fleur De Lis White Dinner Plate Feature
Made of gres, a dark brown clayHighly fired to a rich lustrous finishOven, dishwasher and microwave safeHandmade in Italy
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*** Product Information and Prices Stored : 06/26/2013 MDT
Posted on 8:27 AM