Arc International Luminarc Santa Fe Clear Dinner Plate 10-1 2-Inch Set 6 Review
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Arc International Luminarc Santa Fe Clear Dinner Plate 10-1 2-Inch Set 6 Description
Luminarc is the oldest brand currently sold by Arc, launched in 1948. Arc International is a French manufacturer and distributor of household goods. The company was established in Arques, Pas-de-Calais, where it is still headquartered, as a glass-making firm under the name Verrerie des Sept Ecluses in 1825.
Arc International Luminarc Santa Fe Clear Dinner Plate 10-1 2-Inch Set 6 Feature
Six santa fe clear dinner plate 10-1/2-inchLuminarc is durableLuminarc is wash resistant100-Percent hygienic
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*** Product Information and Prices Stored : 06/26/2013 MDT
Posted on 8:29 AM